

STABLE RELEASE - Single .ino file ready for installation
Version: (Stable)

LONG TERM STABLE RELEASE - Single .ino file ready for installation
Version: (Long-term Stable)

Beta Release - Single .ino file ready for installation
Version: (Beta)

Release Archive - Prior Releases - Complete Unprocessed Source Code


NOTE: Although Esp32forth is licensed under Apache 2.0, please be aware that binaries built with the Arduino IDE (such as ESP32forth) include components and libraries under other additional licenses.
The ESP32 plugin for Arduino is also under a different license.
Additionally, the ESP32 toolchain used by Arduino, contains further components under other licenses.
Be sure to consult a lawyer before using for comercial purposes.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


Download the Arduino IDE for your platform.

Go to File > Preferences.
Under Additional Board Manager URLs add:

Select your serial port under Tools > Port.

Under Tools choose board and settings as below under Tools.

BOARD ESP32 Version Tools Settings
Use a more exact board selection or consult documentation to choose equivalent Dev Module settings. Your mileage may vary.
NOTE: Not all ESP-32 boards are compatible with Arduino.
2.0.1 Board: Your board type OR closest Dev Module
Partition Scheme: Favor more App storage if option available
1.0.6 Board: ESP32 Dev Module
Partition Scheme: No OTA (2M APP, 2M SPIFFS) ← Non-default
Upload Speed: 921600
CPU Frequency: 240MHz
Flash Frequency: 80MHz
Flash Mode: QIO
Flash Size: 4MB (32Mb)
Core Debug Level: None
PSRAM: Disable

Arduino Runs On: Core 1
Events Run On: Core 1
1.0.6 Board: ESP32 Dev Module
Partition Scheme: No OTA (2M APP, 2M SPIFFS) ← Non-default
Upload Speed: 921600
CPU Frequency: 240MHz
Flash Frequency: 80MHz
Flash Mode: QIO
Flash Size: 4MB (32Mb)
Core Debug Level: None
PSRAM: Enabled

Arduino Runs On: Core 1
Events Run On: Core 1
1.0.6 Board: AI Thinker ESP32-CAM
Arduino builds ESP32 assuming dual core, but the SOLO and MINI have only one core.
2.0.1 Board: ESP32S2 Dev Module
Partition Scheme: No OTA (2M APP, 2M SPIFFS) ← Non-default
Upload Speed: 921600
USB CDC On Boot: Disabled
USB Firmware MSC On Boot: Disabled
USB DFU On Boot: Disabled
Upload Mode: UART0
CPU Frequency: 240MHz
Flash Frequency: 80MHz
Flash Mode: QIO
Flash Size: 4MB (32Mb)
Core Debug Level: None
PSRAM: Disabled
2.0.1 Board: ESP32S2 Dev Module
Partition Scheme: No OTA (2M APP, 2M SPIFFS) ← Non-default
Upload Speed: 921600
USB CDC On Boot: Disabled
USB Firmware MSC On Boot: Disabled
USB DFU On Boot: Disabled
Upload Mode: UART0
CPU Frequency: 240MHz
Flash Frequency: 80MHz
Flash Mode: QIO
Flash Size: 4MB (32Mb)
Core Debug Level: None
PSRAM: Enabled
2.0.1 Board: ESP32C3 Dev Module
Partition Scheme: No OTA (2M APP, 2M SPIFFS) ← Non-default
Upload Speed: 921600
USB CDC On Boot: Disabled
CPU Frequency: 160MHz
Flash Frequency: 80MHz
Flash Mode: QIO
Flash Size: 4MB (32Mb)
Core Debug Level: None
PSRAM: Disabled


Initially ESP32forth can be interacted with over a serial port (over USB). You can do this from the Arduino IDE's Serial Monitor option. Be sure to config the serial port to: baud rate = 115200, data bits = 8, stop bits = 1, and parity = N.

On boot, ESP32forth configures PIN 2 (typically an LED) to be an output and brings it HIGH (lighting the LED after boot).

ESP32forth Features

ESP32forth Specific Words

Null Terminated Strings

As null terminated strings are used throughout C interfaces, their use is supported in Forth by way of several non-standard words with the convention of using Z/z to refer to such strings in names and stack comments.

Z" ( "string" -- z ) Creates a null terminated string on the heap
Z>S ( z -- a n ) Convert a null terminated string to a counted string
S>Z ( a n -- z ) Conver a counted string string to null terminated (copies string to heap)
Raw Strings

Raw strings are provided better support using a string for the duration of the current command, without consuming heap memory.

R" ( "string" -- a n ) Creates a temporary counted string
R| ( string| -- a n ) Creates a temporary counted string ending with |
DUMP ( a n -- ) Dump a memory region
SEE ( "name" -- ) Attempt to decompile a word
VARIABLE ECHO -- Determines if commands are echoed
REMAINING ( -- n ) Bytes remaining in Forth heap.
DUMP-FILE ( data data# fn fn# -- ) Write contents of a file throws on error.

ESP32forth uses a hybrid of Forth-79 and Forth-83 style vocabularies. By default vocabularies chain to the vocabulary in which they were defined, as in Forth-79. However, like Forth-83, ALSO can be used to add vocabularies to a vocabulary stack of which CONTEXT @ is the first item. The word ONLY clears the vocabulary stack, but as there is no separate ONLY vocabulary, it also sets CONTEXT to the FORTH vocabulary. The word SEALED modifies the most recently defined vocabulary such that it does not chain. Note, this must be done before words are added to it.

VOCABULARY ( "name" ) Create a vocabulary with the current vocabulary as parent
FORTH ( -- ) Make the FORTH vocabulary the context vocabulary
DEFINITIONS ( -- ) Make the context vocabulary the current vocabulary
VLIST ( -- ) List the words in the context vocabulary (not chains)
WORDS ( -- ) List the words in the context vocabulary (including chains)
TRANSFER ( "name" ) Move a word from its current dictionary to the current vocabulary
                    Useful for "hiding" built-in words
TRANSFER{ ..words.. }TRANSFER ( -- ) Transfer multiple words to the current vocabulary
ALSO ( -- ) Duplicate the vocabulary at the top of the vocabulary stack
PREVIOUS ( -- ) Drop the vocabulary at the top of the vocabulary stack
ONLY ( -- ) Reset context stack to one item, the FORTH dictionary
            Non-standard, as there's no distinct ONLY vocabulary
ORDER ( -- ) Print the vocabulary search order
SEALED ( -- ) Alter the last vocabulary defined so it doesn't chain
Interpret Time Conditions

[IF], [ELSE], and [THEN] can be used to selectively compile. Used in tandem with DEFINED? they can be used to handle the absence of modules gracefully. Nesting is supported.

DEFINED? ( "name" -- xt|0 ) Check if a word exists (works at compile time too).
[IF] ( f -- ) Conditionally interpret the text the follows.
[ELSE] ( -- ) Interpret time ELSE.
[THEN] ( -- ) Interpret time THEN.

Requires v7.0.6.5+

Single precision floating-point support is available as a work in progress. While initially left out in the name of minimalism, hardware support for floating-point argues some advantages to limited support.

Floating point is kept on a separate stack.

NOTE: Tasks currently don't correctly support floating point. A single floating point stack is shared by all tasks.

DOFLIT ( --- ) Puts a float from the next cell onto float stack.
FP@ ( -- a )
FP! ( a -- )
SF@ ( a -- r ) Single precision load
SF! ( r a -- ) Single precision store
FDUP ( r -- r r )
FNIP ( ra rb -- rb )
FDROP ( r -- )
FOVER ( ra rb -- ra rb ra )
FSWAP ( ra rb -- rb ra )
F0< ( r -- f )
F0= ( r -- f )
F+ ( r r -- r )
F- ( r r -- r )
F* ( r r -- r )
F/ ( r r -- r )
1/F ( r -- r )
S>F ( n -- r )
F>S ( r -- n )

F= ( r r -- f )
F< ( r r -- f )
F> ( r r -- f )
F<= ( r r -- f )
F>= ( r r -- f )
F<> ( r r -- f )

SFLOAT ( -- 4 )
SFLOATS ( n -- n*4 )
SFLOAT+ ( a -- a+4 )
SF, ( r -- )

AFLITERAL ( r -- )

FCONSTANT ( r "name" )
FVARIABLE ( "name" )

PI ( -- r )

FSQRT ( r r -- r )

F.S ( -- ) Print float stack.

Locals allow named word local parameters and values.

  { local1 local2 .. -- comment }
  { local1 local2 .. }

Locals are ordered to match the stack, examples:
: 2OVER { a b c d } a b c d a b ;
: MAX { a b -- biggest } a b < IF b ELSE a THEN ;

( Equivalent with DO and FOR )
: POW2 { n } 1 { s } n FOR AFT s 2* to s THEN NEXT s ;
: POW2 { n } 1 { s } n 0 DO s 2* to s LOOP s ;

Capabilities and limitations:

Shell Utilities

Requires v7.0.7.3+ -- ONLY Posix + ESP32

cp ( "src" "dst" -- ) Copy "src" file to "dst".
mv ( "src" "dst" -- ) Rename "src" file to "dst".
rm ( "path" -- ) Remove "path" file.
touch ( "path" -- ) Create "path" file if it doesn't exist.
cat ( "path" -- ) Print contents of "path" file.
ls ( "path" -- ) List files or directories in "path".

Requires v7.0.7.3+ -- ONLY Posix

cd ( "path" -- ) Change director to "path".
mkdir ( "path" -- ) Create directory "path".
rmdir ( "path" -- ) Remove directory "path".
pwd ( -- ) Print current directory.
Visual Editor

Requires v7.0.7.2+

VISUAL EDIT ( "path" --) Enters a visual editor opening file "path".

NOTE: On ESP32 requires connection over an ANSI serial terminal like Putty.

LIMITATIONS: Terminal doesn't know screen dimensions
             and is very redraw inefficient.

  Ctrl-S          -- Save now.
  Ctrl-X / Ctrl-Q -- Quit, asking Y/N to save.
  Ctrl-L          -- Redraw the screen.
  Backspace       -- Delete a character backwards.
  Arrow Keys      -- Movement.
  PgUp/PgDn       -- Scroll up/down a page.
USE ( "name" -- ) Use "name" as the blockfile, e.g. USE /spiffs/foo
OPEN-BLOCKS ( a n -- ) Open a file as the block file
LOAD ( n -- ) Evaluate a block
THRU ( a b -- ) Load blocks a thru b
LIST ( n -- ) List a block
BLOCK ( n -- a ) Get a 1024 byte block
BUFFER ( n -- a ) Get a 1024 byte block without regard to old contents
UPDATE ( -- ) Mark the last block modified
FLUSH ( -- ) Save and empty all buffers
EMPTY-BUFFERS ( -- ) Empty all buffers
SAVE-BUFFERS ( -- ) Save all buffers
SCR ( -- a ) Pointer to last listed block
Block Editor
These words are available inside the EDITOR vocabulary. Note the block editor places newlines in the 63rd column of each line to make the block file readable in a text editor.
WIPE ( -- ) Blank out the current block
L ( -- ) List the current block
D ( n -- ) Delete a line in the current block
E ( n -- ) Clear a line in the current block
R ( n "text" -- ) Replace a line in the current block
A ( n "text" -- ) Add (insert) a line in the current block
P ( -- ) Move to the previous block
N ( -- ) Move to the next block

Requires v7.0.7.2+ for UDP

These words are available inside the sockets vocabulary.
socket ( domain type protocol -- sock/err )
setsockopt ( sock level optname optval optlen -- 0/err )
bind ( sock addr addrlen -- 0/err )
listen ( sock connections -- 0/err )
sockaccept ( sock addr addrlen -- sock/err ) -- varies from bsd socks
connect ( sock addr addrlen -- 0/err )
select ( numfds readfds writefds errfds timeout -- fd/err )
poll ( pollfds n timeout -- fd/err )
send ( sock a n flags -- n/err )
sendto ( sock a n flags addr addrlen -- n/err )
sendmsg ( sock msg flags -- n/err )
recv ( sock a n flags -- n/err )
recvfrom ( sock a n flags addr addrlen -- n/err )
recvmsg ( sock msg flags -- n/err )
gethostbyname ( hostnamez -- hostent/0 )
errno ( -- err ) -- ESP32 only as of v7.0.7.2

sockaddr ( "name" -- ) creates a sockaddr structure
->port@ ( a -- n ) get port from sockaddr
->port! ( n a -- ) set port in sockaddr
->addr@ ( a -- n ) get big-endian address from sockaddr
->addr! ( n a -- ) set big-endian address in sockaddr
ip. ( n -- ) Print address as x.y.z.w IP address.

( Constants )

Dictionary Images and Startup

WARNING: Danger ahead.
Snapshotting the dictionary may not be stable across reinstallations of the C build of Forth.

A collection of non-standard words is provided that allow snapshotting the dictionary and restoring it at startup, with a start word.

SAVE ( "name" -- ) Saves a snapshot of the current dictionary to a file.
RESTORE ( "name" -- ) Restore a snapshot from a file.
REMEMBER ( -- ) Save a snapshot to the default file
                (./myforth or /spiffs/myforth on ESP32).
STARTUP: ( "name" -- ) Save a snapshot to the default file arranging for
                       "name" to be run on startup.
REVIVE ( -- ) Restore the default filename.
RESET ( -- ) Delete the default filename.

Here's an example usage:

: welcome ." Hello!" cr 100 0 do i . loop cr ;
startup: welcome

( Next boot will run a custom startup message )


( Reset removes the custom message )

The INTERNALS vocabulary has some additional words for more control.

SAVE-NAME ( a n -- ) Save a snapshot if the current vocabulary to a file.
RESTORE-NAME ( a n -- ) Restore a snapshot from a file.
'COLD ( -- a ) Address of the word that will be run on startup.
REMEMBER-FILENAME ( -- a n ) Deferred word specifying the platform specific
                             default snapshot filename.
Web Interface
These words are inside the web-interface vocabulary.
server ( port -- ) Start web UI on port (used to implement webui).
HTTP Daemon

Requires v7.0.6+

These words are inside the httpd vocabulary.
server ( port -- ) Start an httpd on port.
handleClient ( -- ) Get next request.
path ( -- a n ) Request path, e.g. /foo
method ( -- a n ) Request method, e.g. GET
header ( a n -- a n ) Contents of header (or empty string).
body ( -- a n ) Rquest body.
Telnet Daemon
These words are inside the web-interface vocabulary.
server ( port -- ) Start telnet daemon on port.

ESP32forth Bindings

Because Arduino builds a statically linked image for flashing into ESP32 devices, all C function bindings need to be explicitly added. This is the current collection. Typically to reduce confusion, function names have be preserved even through verbose. In popular cases a shorted higher level name is provided.

See template.ino.

These words are inside the internals vocabulary.
MALLOC ( n -- a | 0 )   System malloc
SYSFREE ( a -- )   System free
REALLOC ( a n -- a | 0 )   System realloc
These words are inside the Serial vocabulary.
Serial.begin ( baud -- )   Start serial port
Serial.end ( -- )   End serial port
Serial.available ( -- f )   Is serial data available
Serial.readBytes ( a n -- n )   Read serial bytes, return number gotten
Serial.write ( a n -- n )   Write serial bytes
Serial.flush ( -- )   Flush serial buffer
Serial Bluetooth
These words are inside the bluetooth vocabulary.

NOTE: Starting in v7.0.7.13 the optional module serial-bluetooth.h must be placed next to ESP32forth.ino to include this capability. ( -- bt )   Allocate new BT object
SerialBT.delete ( bt -- )   Free BT object
SerialBT.begin ( localname ismaster bt -- f )
SerialBT.end ( bt -- )
SerialBT.available ( bt -- f )
SerialBT.readBytes ( a n bt -- n )
SerialBT.write ( a n bt -- n )
SerialBT.flush ( bt -- )
SerialBT.hasClient ( bt -- f )
SerialBT.enableSSP ( bt -- )
SerialBT.setPin ( z bt -- f )
SerialBT.unpairDevice ( addr bt -- f )
SerialBT.connect ( remotename bt -- f )
SerialBT.connectAddr ( addr bt -- f )
SerialBT.disconnect ( bt -- f )
SerialBT.connected ( timeout bt -- f )
SerialBT.isReady ( checkMaster timeout -- f )   Default checkMaster=false, timeout=0
These words are inside the bluetooth vocabulary.
esp_bt_dev_get_address ( -- a ) addr of 6 byte mac address
pinMode ( pin mode -- )   Set GPIO pin mode
digitalWrite ( pin value -- )   Set GPIO pin state
analogRead ( pin -- n )   Analog read from 0-4095
pulseIn ( pin value usec -- usec/0 )  Wait for a pulse
Available on devices other than ESP32-C3:
dacWrite ( pin 0-255 -- )  Write to DAC (pin 25, 26)
These words are inside the ledc vocabulary.
(arduino-esp32 3.x+)
ledcAttach ( pin freq resolution -- f )
ledcAttachChannel ( pin freq resolution channel -- f )
ledcDetach ( pin -- f )
ledcRead ( channel -- n )
ledcReadFreq ( channel -- freq )
ledcWrite ( channel duty -- )
ledcWriteTone ( channel freq -- freq )
ledcWriteNote ( channel note octave -- freq )
ledcChangeFrequency ( pin freq resolution -- freq )
If built with arduino-esp32 2.x, this is the interface:
(arduino-esp32 2.x+)
ledcSetup ( channel freq resolution -- freq )
ledcAttachPin ( pin channel -- )
ledcDetachPin ( pin -- )
ledcRead ( channel -- n )
ledcReadFreq ( channel -- freq )   Get frequency (x 1,000,000)
ledcWrite ( channel duty -- )
ledcWriteTone ( channel freq )   Write tone frequency (x 1000)
ledcWriteNote ( channel note octave -- freq )
Short GPIO Names
pin ( value pin# -- )   Set GPIO pin value
adc ( pin# -- n )   Analog read pin, result 0-1023
MS ( n -- ) Pause for some number of milliseconds.
MS-TICKS ( -- n ) Time since start in milliseconds.
TERMINATE ( n -- ) Call system exit.
R/O ( -- mode )
R/W ( -- mode )
W/O ( -- mode )
BIN ( mode -- mode )
CLOSE-FILE ( fh -- ior )
OPEN-FILE ( a n mode -- fh ior )
CREATE-FILE ( a n mode -- fh ior )
DELETE-FILE ( a n -- ior )
WRITE-FILE ( a n fh -- ior )
READ-FILE ( a n fh -- n ior )
FILE-POSITION ( fh -- n ior )
REPOSITION-FILE ( n fh -- ior )
FILE-SIZE ( fh -- n ior )
These words are inside the WiFi vocabulary.
WiFi.config ( ip dns gateway subnet -- )   Packaged a.b.c.d little-endian
Wifi.begin ( ssid-z password-z -- )
Wifi.disconnect ( -- )
WiFi.status ( -- n )
WiFi.macAddress ( a -- )
WiFi.localIP ( -- ip )
WiFi.setTxPower ( powerx4 -- )   Set power x4
WiFi.getTxPower ( -- powerx4 )   Get power x4

( In and up )
WiFi.softAP ( ssid password/0 -- success )
WiFi.softAPIP ( -- ip )
WiFi.softAPBroadcastIP ( -- ip )
WiFi.softAPNetworkID ( -- ip )
WiFi.softAPConfig ( localip gateway subnet -- success )
WiFi.softAPdisconnect ( wifioff -- success )
WiFi.softAPgetStationNum ( -- num )
MDNS.begin ( name-z -- )   Start multicast dns
These words are inside the SPIFFS vocabulary.
SPIFFS.begin ( format-on-fail path-z max-files -- f )
SPIFFS.end ( -- )
SPIFFS.format ( -- f )
SPIFFS.totalBytes ( -- n )
SPIFFS.usedBytes ( -- n )
These words are inside the WebServer vocabulary.

Removed in, use httpd instead. ( port -- ws )   Allocate new webserver object
WebServer.delete ( ws -- )   Delete webserver object
WebServer.begin ( port ws -- )
WebServer.stop ( ws -- )
WebServer.on ( path-z xt ws -- ) Set up a web path handle callback
WebServer.handleClient ( ws -- )   Handle one client request
WebServer.hasArg ( z ws -- f )   By name
WebServer.arg ( z ws -- z )   By name
WebServer.argi ( n ws -- z )   By index
WebServer.argName ( n ws -- z)   By index
WebServer.args ( ws -- n )   Number of args
WebServer.setContentLength ( n ws -- )
WebServer.sendHeader ( name-z value-z fist ws -- )
WebServer.send ( code mimetype data ws -- )
WebServer.sendContent ( z ws -- )
WebServer.method ( ws -- n )   GET / POST etc.
These words are inside the httpd vocabulary.
server ( port -- ) Run a webserver on a port (in background, returns immediately).
handleClient ( -- f ) Wait for a client to connect, true if connected.
path ( -- a n ) Get request path.
method ( -- a n ) Get request method (GET/POST).
header ( a n -- a n ) Get header value or empty string.
body ( -- a n ) Get request body.
response ( mime mime# result result# status -- ) Respond with a particular mime type result and status.
ok-response ( mime mime# ) Response with a HTTP 200.
bad-response ( -- ) Response with HTTP 400 Bad request.
notfound-response ( -- ) Response with HTTP 404 Not found.
send ( a n -- ) Send response bytes.

NOTE: You may want to use this feature in tandem with tasks / streams.


also httpd

: handle-index
  s" text/html" ok-response r|


| send ;

: handle1
  ." Got a request for: " path type cr
  path s" /" str= if handle-index exit then

: run  8080 server
       begin handleClient if handle1 then pause again ;
These words are inside the Wire vocabulary.
Wire.begin ( -- f )
Wire.setPins ( sda scl -- f )
Wire.setClock ( frequency -- )
Wire.getClock ( -- frequency )
Wire.setTimeout ( ms -- ) Default is 50ms
Wire.getTimeout ( -- ms )
Wire.beginTransmission ( n -- )
Wire.endTransmission ( sendstop -- f ) Default is true
Wire.requestFrom ( address quantity sendstop -- n )
Wire.write ( a n -- n )
Wire.available ( -- f ) ( -- ch )
Wire.peek ( -- ch )
Wire.flush ( -- )
These words were available in v7.0.6.5 and before, but are now deprecated as the underlying Arduino functions have gone away in the v2.0.1 ESP32 Arduino library.
Wire.lastError ( -- n )
Wire.getErrorText ( n -- z )
Wire.busy ( -- f )
Wire.writeTransmission ( addr a n sendstop -- err )
Wire.readTransmission ( addr a n sendstop acount -- err )
These words are inside the SD vocabulary. They allow use of an SDcard over SPI.
SD.begin ( -- ok )   uses all the defaults "/sd" etc.
SD.beginDefaults ( -- sspin SPIClass frequency mountpointsz maxfiles format_if_empty )
                 (    SS    SPI      4000000   "/sd"        5        false )
SD.beginFull ( sspin SPIClass frequency mountpoint maxfiles format_if_empty -- ok )
SD.end ( -- )
SD.cardType ( -- n )
SD.totalBytes ( -- n )
SD.usedBytes ( -- n )
These words are inside the SD_MMC vocabulary. They allow use of an SDcard over MMC internal interface.
Note, SD_MMC is unavailable on ESP32-S2 and ESP32-C3.
SD_MMC.begin ( -- ok )   uses all the defaults "/sdcard" etc.
SD_MMC.beginDefaults ( -- mountsz   mode1bit format_if_fail )
                     (    "/sdcard" false    false )
                     (    sdmmc_freq not supported for generality )
SD_MMC.beginFull ( mountsz mode1bit format_if_fail -- ok )
SD_MMC.end ( -- )
SD_MMC.cardType ( -- n )
SD_MMC.totalBytes ( -- n )
SD_MMC.usedBytes ( -- n )
These words are inside the TASKS vocabulary.
PAUSE ( -- ) Yield to other tasks.
MS ( n -- ) Pause for some number of milliseconds (yields to other tasks).
TASK ( xt dsz rsz "name" -- ) Create a new task with dsz size data stack
                              and rsz size return stack running xt.
START-TASK ( task -- ) Activate a task.
.TASKS ( -- ) List running tasks.

: hi   begin ." Time is: " ms-ticks . cr 1000 ms again ;
' hi 100 100 task my-counter
my-counter start-task
These words are inside the RTOS vocabulary.
xPortGetCoreID ( -- n )
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore ( fn name stack-depth params priority taskout coreid -- )
vTaskDelete ( task ) -- )


A terminal over the web can be activated. Contact at port printed or via mDNS http://forth/.

webui ( network-z password-z -- ) login and start webui
login ( network-z password-z -- ) login to wifi only



See web_interface.fs.


NOTE: This section describes one mechanism for running code at startup. See this for an alternate option.

The system will automatically attempt to mount SPIFFS filesystem at /spiffs. It will then at start attempt to load /spiffs/autoexec.fs

One way this feature can be used to configure the Web UI to start by default. When doing this, be sure to test your Web UI settings work well first.

r| z" NETWORK-NAME" z" PASSWORD" webui | s" /spiffs/autoexec.fs" dump-file

To remove a previously configured autoexec.fs you will need to be able to reboot in a mode with Forth. One way to do this is to search for the line in the .ino file that refers to autoexec.fs and replace it with a different name. Then run the following:

s" /spiffs/autoexec.fs" delete-file

See autoboot.fs.

ESP32forth Optional Modules

Several optional modules are now available in the optional/ directory next to ESP32forth.ino. To use these modules, move them up a directory to be adjacent to ESP32forth.ino.

SPI Flash
These words are inside the spi_flash vocabulary.

NOTE: Starting in v7.0.7.13 the optional module spi-flash.h must be placed next to ESP32forth.ino to include this capability.

spi_flash_init ( -- ) Init driver access.
spi_flash_get_chip_size ( -- n ) Get flash size.
spi_flash_erase_sector ( sector -- err ) Erase a sector.
spi_flash_erase_range ( addr size -- err ) Erase a range.
spi_flash_write ( destaddr src size -- err ) Write to flash.
spi_flash_write_encrypted ( destaddr src size -- err ) Write encrypted.
spi_flash_read ( srcaddr dst size -- err ) Read from flash.
spi_flash_read_encrypted ( srcaddr dst size -- err ) Read encrypted.
spi_flash_mmap ( srcaddr size memtype out outhandle -- err ) Map region.
spi_flash_mmap_pages ( pages pages# memtype out outhandle -- err ) Map pages.
spi_flash_munmap ( handle -- ) Unmap region.
spi_flash_mmap_dump ( -- ) Dump memory map.
spi_flash_mmap_get_free_pages ( memtype -- n ) Get free pages.
spi_flash_cache2phys ( a -- addr ) Get flash addr.
spi_flash_phys2cache ( addr memtype -- a ) Get mapped flash addr.
spi_flash_cache_enabled ( -- f ) Is flash enabled.

esp_partition_t_size ( -- n ) sizeof(esp_parition_t).
esp_partition_find ( type subtype szlabel -- it ) Get partition iterator.
esp_partition_find_first ( type subtype szlabel -- part ) Get first partition.
esp_partition_get ( it -- part ) Get current partition.
esp_partition_next ( it -- it' ) Get next partition.
esp_partition_iterator_release ( it -- ) Free iterator.
esp_partition_verify ( part -- part' ) Verify partition.
esp_partition_read ( part srcoff dst size -- err ) Read from partition.
esp_partition_write ( part dstoff src size -- err ) Write to partition.
esp_partition_erase_range ( part start size -- err ) Erase range.
esp_partition_mmap ( part off size memtype out outhandle -- err ) Map memory.
esp_partition_get_sha256 ( part a -- err ) Get sha256 digest.
esp_partition_check_identity ( part part -- f ) Check partitions for equality.
These words are inside the camera vocabulary.

NOTE: Starting in v7.0.7.13 the optional module camera.h must be placed next to ESP32forth.ino to include this capability.

esp_camera_init ( config -- f )
esp_camera_deinit ( -- f )
esp_camera_fb_get ( -- fb )
esp_camera_fb_return ( fb -- )
esp_camera_sensor_get ( -- sensor )
esp_camera_save_to_nvs ( key -- n )
esp_camera_load_from_nvs ( key -- n )

( formats )

( frame sizes )
FRAMESIZE_96x96    ( 96x96)
FRAMESIZE_QQVGA    ( 160x120 )
FRAMESIZE_QCIF     ( 176x144 )
FRAMESIZE_HQVGA    ( 240x176 )
FRAMESIZE_240x240  ( 176x144 )
FRAMESIZE_QVGA     ( 320x240 )
FRAMESIZE_CIF      ( 400x296 )
FRAMESIZE_HVGA     ( 480x320 )
FRAMESIZE_VGA      ( 640x480 )
FRAMESIZE_SVGA     ( 800x600 )
FRAMESIZE_XGA     ( 1024x768 )
FRAMESIZE_HD      ( 1280x720 )
FRAMESIZE_SXGA    ( 1280x1024 )
FRAMESIZE_UXGA    ( 1600x1200 )

( access to config )
camera-fb-count ( -- a )
camera-jpeg-quality ( -- a )
camera-frame-size ( -- a )
camera-format ( -- a )

( Access a frame returned by esp_camera_fb_get )
fb->buf ( -- a )
fb->len ( -- n )
fb->width ( -- n )
fb->height ( -- n )
fb->format ( -- n )
fb->sec ( -- n )
fb->usec ( -- n )

( Access methods in struct returned by esp_camera_sensor_get )
s->xclk_freq_hz ( a )
s->init_status ( s )
s->reset ( s )
s->set_pixformat ( s pixformat )
s->set_framesize ( s framesize )
s->set_contrast ( s level )
s->set_brightness ( s level )
s->set_saturation ( s level )
s->set_sharpness ( s level )
s->set_denoise ( s level )
s->set_gainceiling ( s gainceil )
s->set_quality ( s quality )
s->set_colorbar ( s enable )
s->set_whitebal ( s enable )
s->set_gain_ctrl ( s enable )
s->set_exposure_ctrl ( s enable )
s->set_hmirror ( s enable )
s->set_vflip ( s enable )
( --- )
s->set_aec2 ( s enable )
s->set_awb_gain ( s enable )
s->set_agc_gain ( s gain )
s->set_aec_value ( s gain )
( --- )
s->set_special_effect ( s effect )
s->set_wb_mode ( s mode )
s->set_ae_level ( s level )
( --- )
s->set_raw_gma ( s enable )
s->set_lenc ( s enable )
( --- )
s->get_reg ( s reg mask )
s->set_reg ( s reg mask value )
s->set_res_raw ( s startX startY endX endY offsetX offsetY totalX totalY outputX outputY scale binning )
s->set_pll ( s bypass mul sys root pre seld5 pclken pclk )
s->set_xclk ( s time xclk )
Camera Server

Requires v7.0.6+

WIP Prototype - Not yet stable
These words are inside the camera-server vocabulary.
server ( port -- ) Start an image server at port,
                   e.g. http://IP/image will produce an image
These words are inside the INTERRUPTS vocabulary.

NOTE: Starting in v7.0.7.15 the optional module interrupts.h must be placed next to ESP32forth.ino to include this capability.

High Level words:

pinchange ( xt pin -- ) Call xt when pin changes.


17 input pinMode
: test ." pinvalue: " 17 digitalRead . cr ;
' test 17 pinchange

Low Level words:

ESP_INTR_FLAG_DEFAULT -- Default handler allows per pin routing

Various triggers:

gpio_config ( gpio_config_t* -- 0/err )
gpio_reset_pin ( pin -- 0/err )

gpio_set_intr_type ( pin type -- 0/err )

gpio_intr_enable ( pin -- 0/err )
gpio_intr_disable ( pin -- 0/err )

gpio_set_level ( pin level -- 0/err )
gpio_get_level ( pin -- level )

gpio_set_direction ( pin mode -- 0/err )

gpio_set_pull_mode ( pin mode -- 0/err )

gpio_wakeup_enable ( pin type -- 0/err )
gpio_wakeup_disable ( pin -- 0/err )

gpio_pullup_en ( pin -- 0/err )
gpio_pullup_dis ( pin -- 0/err )
gpio_pulldown_en ( pin -- 0/err )
gpio_pulldown_dis ( pin -- 0/err )
gpio_hold_en ( pin -- 0/err )
gpio_hold_dis ( pin -- 0/err )

gpio_deep_sleep_hold_en ( -- )
gpio_deep_sleep_hold_dis ( -- )

gpio_install_isr_service ( a -- ) Typically ESP_INTR_FLAG_DEFAULT

gpio_isr_handler_add ( pin xt arg -- 0/err )
gpio_isr_handler_remove ( pin -- 0/err )

gpio_set_drive_capability ( pin cap -- 0/err )
gpio_get_drive_capability ( pin cap* -- 0/err )

esp_intr_alloc ( source flags xt args handle* -- 0/err )
esp_intr_free ( handle -- 0/err )
These words are inside the timers vocabulary.
timer_isr_callback_add ( group timer xt arg -- 0/err ) Register a raw timer ISR callback.

timer_isr_register ( group timer xt arg ret -- 0/err ) REMOVED
These words are inside the RMT vocabulary.

NOTE: Starting in v7.0.7.15 the optional module rmt.h must be placed next to ESP32forth.ino to include this capability.

rmt_set_clk_div ( channel div8 -- err )
rmt_get_clk_div ( channel @div8 -- err )
rmt_set_rx_idle_thresh ( channel thresh16 -- err )
rmt_get_rx_idle_thresh ( channel @thresh16 -- err )
rmt_set_mem_block_num ( channel memnum8 -- err )
rmt_get_mem_block_num ( channel @memnum8 -- err )
rmt_set_tx_carrier ( channel enable highlev lowlev carrierlev -- err )
rmt_set_mem_pd ( channel f -- err )
rmt_get_mem_pd ( channel @f -- err )
rmt_tx_start ( channel f -- err )
rmt_tx_stop ( channel -- err )
rmt_rx_start ( channel f -- err )
rmt_rx_stop ( channel -- err )
rmt_tx_memory_reset ( channel -- err )
rmt_rx_memory_reset ( channel -- err )
rmt_set_memory_owner ( channel owner -- err )
rmt_get_memory_owner ( channel @owner -- err )
rmt_set_tx_loop_mode ( channel f -- err )
rmt_get_tx_loop_mode ( channel @f -- err )
rmt_set_rx_filter ( channel enable thresh8 -- err )
rmt_set_source_clk ( channel baseclk -- err )
rmt_get_source_clk ( channel @baseclk -- err )
rmt_set_idle_level ( channel enable level -- err )
rmt_get_idle_level ( channel @enable @level -- err )
rmt_get_status ( channel @status -- err )
rmt_set_rx_intr_en ( channel enable -- err )
rmt_set_err_intr_en ( channel enable -- err )
rmt_set_tx_intr_en ( channel enable -- err )
rmt_set_tx_thr_intr_en (channel enable thresh -- err )
rmt_set_gpio ( channel mode gpio# invertsig -- err )
rmt_config ( rmt_config_t* )
rmt_isr_register ( fn arg allocflags handle -- err )
rmt_isr_deregister ( handle -- err )
rmt_fill_tx_items ( channel @items items# offset -- err )
rmt_driver_install ( channel rxbufsize allocflags -- err )
rmt_driver_uinstall ( channel -- err )
rmt_get_channel_status ( channel @status -- err )
rmt_get_counter_clock ( channel @clockhz -- err )
rmt_write_items ( channel @items items# wait -- err )
rmt_wait_tx_done ( channel time -- err )
rmt_get_ringbuf_handle ( channel @handle -- err )
rmt_translator_init ( channel fn -- err )
rmt_translator_set_context ( channel @context -- err )
rmt_translator_get_context ( channel @@context -- err )
rmt_write_sample ( channel src src# wait -- err )
rmt_register_tx_end_callback --- NOT SUPPORTED
rmt_memory_rw_rst --- DEPRECATED USE rmt_tx_memory_reset or rmt_rx_memory_reset
rmt_set_intr_enable_mask --- DEPRECATED interrupt handled by driver
rmt_clr_intr_enable_mask --- DEPRECATED interrupt handled by driver
rmt_set_pin --- DEPRECATED use rmt_set_gpio instead
These words are inside the TIMERS vocabulary.

NOTE: Starting in v7.0.7.15 the optional module interrupts.h must be placed next to ESP32forth.ino to include this capability.

NOTE: These are low level ESP32 timers. For a periodic background operation, you'll probably want to use TASKS.

High Level words:

( timer t = 0-3 )

interval ( xt usec t -- ) Setup timer t to call xt each after usec

rerun ( t -- ) REMOVED - rerun no longer required as autoreload used

NOTE: The Interrupt Watchdog timer doesn't work well with use of serial output during an interrupt routine. Operations durring the handler should be kept to a minimum.
variable x
: hi   1 x +! ;
' hi 1000000 0 interval ( run hi every second )
x @ . ( See value of x goes up )

Medium Level words:

timer@ ( t -- lo hi ) Get timer counter current value
timer! ( lo hi t -- ) Set timer counter current value
alarm@ ( t -- lo hi ) Get alarm value
alarm! ( lo hi t -- ) Set alarm value
enable! ( f t -- ) Timer enable/disable
increase! ( f t -- ) Timer increasing/decreasing
divider! ( n t -- ) Timer divider 2 - 65535
alarm-enable! ( f t -- ) Enable/disable alarm.
int-enable! ( f t -- ) Enable/disble interrupt.
onalarm ( xt t -- ) Set callback

alarm ( t -- a ) REMOVED
alarm-enable@ ( t -- f ) REMOVED

Low Level words:

( group n = 0/1, timer x = 0/1, watchdog m = 0-5 )

TIMGn_TxCONFIG_REG ( n x -- a )
TIMGn_TxLOHI_REG ( n x -- a )
TIMGn_TxUPDATE_REG ( n x -- a )
TIMGn_TxALARMLOHI_REG ( n x -- a )
TIMGn_TxLOADLOHI_REG ( n x -- a )
TIMGn_TxLOAD_REG ( n x -- a )

TIMGn_Tx_WDTCONFIGm_REG ( n m -- a )
TIMGn_Tx_WDTFEED_REG ( n -- a )


TIMGn_Tx_INT_ENA_REG ( n -- a )
TIMGn_Tx_INT_RAW_REG ( n -- a )
TIMGn_Tx_INT_ST_REG ( n -- a )
TIMGn_Tx_INT_CLR_REG ( n -- a )

Adding Words

Words can be added based on C functions by placing a file named userwords.h alongside the .ino file for ESP32forth.
Requires v7.0.6.4+
Before v7.0.6.4, user words required editing the .ino file.

Because of the use of X-Macros words can be added in as little as one line. Locate the macro called PLATFORM_OPCODE_LIST and add your words there.

NOTE: Be careful to end each line with a \ so the macros will chain correctly.

To add a word containing only letters, numbers, and underscore you can use Y.

---- userwords.h ----
#define USER_WORDS \
  Y(MY_WORD123, c_function_to_call()) \

If your word name contains other characters, instead use X. You will need to make up an alternate name for the middle parameter. It must contain only letters, numbers, and underscore. The name is not used anywhere else, but must be unique.

---- userwords.h ----
#define USER_WORDS \
  X("myword!", MY_WORD_BANG, c_function_to_call()) \

Values from the data stack can be accessed via the variables tos (Top of Stack) and sp (Pointer to the rest of the stack). The stack has the data type cell_t.

You can push a value of any type to the stack with the macro PUSH:

---- userwords.h ----
#define USER_WORDS \
  Y(MY_WORD, PUSH calculate_magic_value()) \

To simplify calling C functions, you can also refer to elements on the stack with the types positional names:

n10 n9 n8 n7 n6 n5 n4 n3 n2 n1 n0 - Access stack as cell_t integer values
                   c4 c3 c2 c1 c0 - Access stack as char* values
                   b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 - Access stack as uint8_t* byte values
             a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 a0 - Access stack as void* values


---- userwords.h ----
void send_message(const char *message, int code);
#define USER_WORDS \
  X("send-message", SEND_MESSAGE, send_message(c1, n0)) \

You can always replace the top item on the stack with SET:

---- userwords.h ----
#define USER_WORDS \
  Y(DECODE, SET decode_func(n0)) \

You can drop elements from the stack with DROP or DROPn(number). You can nip elements from below top of the stack with NIP or NIPn(number). Be aware that like PUSH this will cause stack indices to change.

---- userwords.h ----
int my_cool_function(char *foo, int bar, uint8_t *baz);
#define USER_WORDS \
  Y(MY_FUNC, n0 = my_cool_function(c2, n1, b0); NIPn(2)) \

Multiple C statements can be included in the code area of a word, but care must be taken to generally avoid {}s. If you find you need nesting, a separate function is recommended.

New variables can be declared in each word and are scoped to that word.

---- userwords.h ----
#define USER_WORDS \
  Y(MY_WORD, cell_t foo = n0; DROP; char *x = c0; DROP; \
             PUSH my_func(foo, x)) \